Weksler Regal 3.5 1% Industrial Pressure Gauges
Models BA13, BS13, BY13, BA43, BS43, BY43
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Standard Features
Available in 31⁄2˝ dial sizes, Regal pressure
gauges are liquid fillable and field convertible for
panel mounting. Both zero and span adjustments
are standard. The gauge is available dry, liquidfilled,
weatherproof or hermetically sealed.
Designed for safety and long life using all stainless, all welded construction. ASME Grade 1A, 1% accuracy full scale.
Helps ensure safety since there is no stop pin to mask false zero readings.
Ordering Information
- Please fill this form to receive a e-mail quote.
- Requests can also be sent to sales@weksler-gauges.com.
- If this is urgent please call 1 (866) 415-2002